Tyler Boë Marketing Intern Summer 2023 Portfolio 

Over the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year, I had the opportunity to work with Tyler Boë in their New York City office. I worked on a small team, which proved to be an incredibly valuable experience. Each week I was given access to work hands-on with Katie Ludlowe and Tyler Boë on different projects throughout the company. Following my experience working with Tyler Boë, I possess a better understanding of the people I hope to work with as well as my continued drive for design and collaboration.

Take a peek to the right you can see a picture I took on my first day of work!

During my first few weeks with Tyler Boë, I worked a lot on creating and understanding line sheets. These sheets contain sketches of the designs with various codes for color, material, sizes, and price. using both the line sheet and a Dropbox containing all photoshoot images - I found the photographed item, picked the image I thought showcased the items well, and uploaded/formatted them into eLookbooks on Google Workspaces.

Line Sheet to Lookbook

Project Experiences

Sales Meeting Preparations

  • Before my team met with retailers, I worked to organize the display room. This included steaming all garments, folding and arranging garments on tables, styling pieces to hang together, and removing any distractions.

  • Organized wholesale lookbooks with a team


  • When working on a set, the backdrop is always going to get scuffed and dirty. I used Photoshop to remove spots of dirt and shoes on the background using photoshop, which I taught myself before starting this internship. I also removed any crazy flyaways while also being mindful not to remove too much. While the different groups were dropping for the fall line, I was editing around 500-900 images a week.

Social Media

  • I used images within the Dropbox to highlight for social media use. Additionally, I used Canva to create graphics for inspiration.

  • Created newsletters and distributed lookbooks to influencers


  • When working on a set, the backdrop is always going to get scuffed and dirty. I used Photoshop to remove spots of dirt and shoes on the background using photoshop, which I taught myself before starting this internship. I also removed any crazy flyaways while also being mindful not to remove too much. While the different groups were dropping for the fall line, I was editing around 500-900 images a week.


  • I uploaded the final images after editing them into Shopify, where I made sure to include all angles of the items as well as the correct color and style codes.

Photoshop Example:



What changed? Honestly not much from just looking at it - but I removed the scuff marks from her shoes, and minor flyaways from the top of her head (leaving the ones in the ponytail to make her hair remain realistic)

Let's Connect!

Let's Connect!

If you are interested in working with me, have any questions about my work, or just want to talk shop send me an email below!